Embark on an epic journey and discover hidden treasures click the link below to play today.
Embark on an epic journey and discover hidden treasures click the link below to play today.
Our Chair and CEO is Dr Gloria Herndon who has over 50 years of experience in the continent of Africa. She has a stellar academic, business and professional career. Her mantra has been “to whom much is given, much is required”. She also has a background with the state department as an economist and done development and insurance and other projects.
Roxmore Inc.
Hon. Charles J Moreland
Washington’s First-Elected Representative to Congress. Rep. Moreland taught Business Law at Southeastern University in Washington, D.C. Charles J. Moreland is President of the Government Affairs Division at the Pena Law Firm. He is a skilled and experienced government and political affairs counselor who has worked continuously as a professional since 1978. He represents health care providers and a wide variety of business clients at the Federal, State and Municipal level. He is a contract specialist and International Commerce Advisor to clients in Asia, Europe, Africa, and The Americas.Rep. Moreland has received numerous awards, and in May 2019 he received the "Outstanding Statehood Pioneer Award" Presented by “Living with the Law” at the historic Carnegie Library in Washington, D.C
We Source It 4 U ltd.
Richard Charles - Chief Operating Officer
has a degree in Finance and Accounting and has distinguished himself internationally in marketing and development
of products and technology in the medical field.
He has over thirty years in building start up companies with international experience in countries like Trinidad, Grenada, Guyana, St Lucia and the Philippines.
He has over ten years in Auditing and Insurance field having worked with Panel Fitzpatrick and Met Life.
We have three new unique BINGO products, (Linked Bingo App, Live Caller Game, and Electronic Pull-Tabs) an E-wallet payment solution and various other related e-gaming offerings .
This product is aptly called different names in different markets. In the US it is known as Booty Chaser, in Brazil Treasure Hunt and in Kenya BingoLeo. In the US some players have actually won upwards of $60,000.00 USD while creating wealth for everyone.
Within the game itself we have Mini-Jackpots, Minor-Jackpots and complimentary prizes for everyone. At the core of our game is simply everyone can have a chance to win and in so doing we start off with the lowest possible ticket cost beginning less than a dollar. This takes into consideration the housewife, the retiree, the low income worker but at the same time creating different entry points for much higher ticket costs.
To partner with local affiliates in the continent of Africa Products
Booty Chaser, Treasure Hunt, Cade o Tesouro and Bingo Leo Linked Bingo. Linked bingo is nothing more than the traditional game of bingo - linked electronically. It is linked electronically so that multiple people can play without being in the same building yet play simultaneously within a licensed jurisdiction. Linked bingo gives charities the ability to raise money without having the traditional financial overhead and financial risk. Below are just some of the names of linked bingo games EGS has produced that are in play today.
Electronic Game Solutions, Inc (EGS) the producer of our games is a 22-year-old company that was started in 2002 and currently holds privileged charitable gaming and does business in 24+ states, two countries and is the preferred vendor for Class II gaming products on Disney and Holland America Cruise Lines.
EGS prides itself on the integrity of its employees and shareholders and has nearly 30 years in land-based, lottery and iGaming testing of all their products with Gaming Laboratory Inc
by regulators in more than 475 jurisdictions worldwide. All EGS products have been approved by each state in which it conducts business and are certified by Gaming Laboratories, Inc.
Jon Goldstein – Managing Partner, NBT
Mr. Goldstein has been involved in the gaming industry for over 20 years and is an entrepreneur with a proven track record of organizing and managing effective teams to create profitable ventures.
Most recently he has focused his efforts in launching a new online linked bingo game worldwide, commencing in Brazil in 2024. His guidance in developing the market and team has been a major influence of the how the game looks and how it is to be launched..
To strengthen his position within the bingo community, Mr. Goldstein ran for and was elected President of the Association of Florida Bingos, a charitable bingo trade association which he quickly expanded from 6 member halls to over 40 (representing over 50% of the halls in Florida)
Humanitarian is an American Samoan Corporation created in 2022, that some of the same EGS shareholders created to do business internationally. While in the United States, EGS products provide balls, bats, fire trucks, new schools, and churches – it is some of the international opportunities that EGS has available that not only improves lives but saves lives. All charitable work is honorable – but to save lives is a whole new mission, the mission of HGI. HGI’s Chairman and CEO John Smolic of EGS is also the founder of HGI Mr. Smolic is a founding partner of EGS who has over 33 years of experience
electronics bingo industry.
Senior Executives attending the US African Business Summit in Dallas Texas, May 2024
Seated together Mr. Richard Charles and Dr. Gloria B. Herndon, Principal Pathners of Top Deck International LLC. The Distributors of the Linked Bingo in the Continent of Africa at the US African Business Summit in Dallas Texas, May 2024.
From left to right, Mr. Richard Chalres COO of Top Deck International, Mr. John Smolic Chairman of EGS and Mr. Jon Goldstein Managing Partner of NBT at the US African Business Summit in Dallas Texas, May 2024.
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